PUBLICURE anbefalet i Legal500

Skrevet 21. april, 2017
PUBLICURE Advokatfirma er blevet anbefalet i 2017-udgaven af Legal500. PUBLICURE anbefales for retsområdet EU- og Konkurrenceret. Advokat Povl Nick Bronstein og Advokat Peter Lund Meyer anbefales ligeledes inden for disse retsområder.

Vi er stolte over at kunne meddele, at PUBLICURE er blevet anbefalet i 2017-udgaven af Legal500. PUBLICURE har modtaget følgende meddelelse fra Legal500: 


"PUBLICURE Advokatfirma has been recommended in the following practice area: 

- EU and competition

2 lawyers are recommended in The Legal 500 Europe, Middle East & Africa 2017 editorial (listed below)

EU and competition
- Peter Lund Meyer
- Povl Nick Bronstein

A note on The Legal 500 Europe, Middle East & Africa: Our research-based coverage continues to grow each year with new practice areas and additional countries, with this year's edition including first-time research-based coverage of Afghanistan and Ethiopia, bringing the total to 82 countries. We have added 18% more research-based content - including 9 more countries - to the coverage over the past 2 years. Most users prefer the website these days but for those continuing to use the print edition, please note that The Legal 500 EMEA 2017 edition is printed in two companion volumes, just as it was last year: (volume 1) Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia; and (volume 2) Middle East and Africa.

The Legal 500 rankings are based on the results of our research and the merits of the available evidence - law firms are ranked on merit alone."


Legal500 er det mest prominente juridiske opslagsværk i Europa.